Van Gogh wandeltheater / Van Gogh walking theatre


7 acts over de personen rondom de grote schilder Vincent van Gogh. Ontwikkeld in opdracht van Festival Pure Passie op Landgoed Kernhem. 

Concept, script en regie: Arno Setz

Vormgeving, PR en attributen: Patrick Eskandarian

Spel o.a.: Spelgroep Bennekom, dansgroep Twentyfour Dance Centre, René Donders, Marilin van Prooien en de Living Statues


7 acts about the people around the great painter Vincent van Gogh. Developed on behalf of Festival Pure Passion at Kernhem Estate.
Concept, script and direction: Arno Setz
Design, PR and attributes: Patrick Eskandarian
Played by: Theatre group Bennekom, dance group Twentyfour Dance Centre, René Donders, Marilin van Prooien and the Living Statues